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Tips to consider when negotiating your home in Spain

Once you have found the most adequate housing, there are many aspects other than price, which must be taken into account to make a contract containing all aspects related to the sale of property in Spain.

You've chosen the property of your dreams in Spain. It begins the time of negotiation. It is crucial to understand the difference between haggle and negotiate.

Buy a house is not like buying a scarf at a flea market where bargain with the shopkeeper only affect the price of the product. In negotiating the sale of a home come into play other factors such as payment terms, if the house will need repairs if the buyer is interested in keeping the furniture, etc.

Consequences in the case you turn back.

One of the most important issues to be discussed during the negotiation of a sale are the consequences to back down in the operation. Set these penalties in a contract taking into account the different situations both is one of the best ways to ensure the future sale parts may occur.


When the price is negotiated is important to have a knowledge of the real estate market, have an idea of the prices of properties of the same type in the area. To do this, you must do a little research.

Another important aspect is to know if the house has loads or debts. This will help us know the urgency when transferring the housing of the seller, and therefore we will announce whether we will have an opportunity to lower the price.


The next thing to negotiate is the timeline to complete the sale. Since establishing a reserve amount, the period in which the contract is signed, and the subsequent deed before a notary. Normally we would negotiate a timetable agreed by both parties and are achievable. The buyer must allow time to obtain financing and to complete all the paperwork. The seller, meanwhile, must comply with the obligations incurred during the negotiation, in addition to all legal requirements.


The payment of the costs associated with the transaction is fixed by law, but in some cases it is not uncommon to agree to set whether the buyer or seller will take care of some of them. In addition, depending on the area of Spain where you find this practice can vary. Therefore, it is advisable or stick to what the law says, or put in writing in a contract who pays what in order to avoid misunderstandings.

State housing.

Another point to negotiate is the physical state of the housing. There are details that must be specified in the contract, such as whether it be furnished or empty, whether there will be reforms etc. The more detailed the description, there will be fewer problems. Try to avoid buying "ad corpus" if you are the buyer.

Change data on bills of basic services.

During the negotiation, another issue that can and must be negotiated is who will take care of making changes in ownership or supplier companies that supply basic services such as water, electricity, gas, telephone or internet. It is an aspect to consider as they may be debts that should not negotiate, they could be transferred to the new owner after the signing.

Naranja Spain, real estate agents in Torrevieja.

Check out the online portfolio of homes for sale of Naranja Spain, both new, and resale properties You can find a variety of apartments, houses, flats and bungalows.

We specialize in selling vacation properties as well as both long and short duration. We also offer a full service real estate consulting and excellent after sales service to accompany you and help you throughout the process of buying your new home.

Please contact us if you like any of the houses you see. You can call us, write us an email, fill out the form on our website, or stop by our offices in Guardamar.

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